How to increase male potency natural ways

Today, anyone lives in conditions that require him sometimes just unbearable physical and mental activity. 21 century is the century of new technologies, poor environment, poor nutrition, bad habits and whatnot that degrades health, violates the very harmony of our existence in this world. For men, it is primarily associated with potency.

improve potency in men

Over 30% of men even at a young age today are experiencing problems in intimate life. Early disease of the prostate, urinary tract infection, promiscuity or lack of them lead strong half of humanity to erectile dysfunction, forced to live in conditions of constant stress, depression, uncertainty in own forces. This causes even more serious consequences – cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes.

Man is so constituted that go to the doctor only when he understands that the situation is out of control. But mostly prefer delicate problem to solve.

Here come to the aid of numerous medicines Viagra. Act immediately, the effect lasts up to five hours. And all would seem fine, if not side effects that make themselves known very soon. And the situation with potency is getting worse.

Sexual symptoms can be temporary or permanent. Sometimes they are associated with psychological problems, the first failure in bed, the unethical actions of your partner in this delicate situation. Sometimes a man just gets tired.

In such a situation, you can try to deal with the problem yourself using natural ways to increase potency at home. A lot of them, all of them are time-tested and has earned credibility and approval specialists.

What is the potency

Before talking about methods and ways to increase male potency, you should decide on this concept. To increase potency is not to make men the sexual giant. This concept is not only his sexual abilities, it is much wider.

There are other, equally important side of this question, which define the General male potential. Is it physical, moral, spiritual, and moral capabilities. All those qualities that he attains a certain status in the social and material aspects of your life.

About such males is the dream of any woman. So nature intended. Because healthy on all sides men are born the same healthy and strong offspring.

Erectile dysfunction leads to big problems in all aspects of the potential men. We all know that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. However, the official medicine along with pharmaceutical companies has used it to cure without worrying about health promotion.

Of course, there are situations where access to specialists is vital. However, in most cases, to expect efficient and, most importantly, inexpensive help from the useless.

You need to learn how to use the opportunities that nature has given to man alone. And certainly, if a man wants to a ripe old age to remain a true representative of a strong half of mankind.

How to improve the potency

Male potency very often crashes due to a trivial problem. The body is weakened due to addictions – nicotine, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, excess weight. Sometimes it is associated with diabetes or problems of cardiovascular nature.

It also happens that the man upset about, is experiencing stress, is a long depression, a feeling of chronic fatigue. All this cannot but affect his overall health.

The promotion and prevention of potency should be approached holistically and to work in several directions.

improving potency in men ways

To use products that can replenish vitamin and mineral deficiency in your body. Men's vitamins are vitamins A, C, b group, minerals – zinc and selenium. Their body needs to get in the required daily allowance completely. It's those trace elements that restore hormonal balance, increase testosterone, increase sexual activity and potency.

Review your diet, incorporate daily:

  • lean red meat – beef, lamb;
  • lean meats and wild game – rabbit, chicken, pheasant;
  • any nuts 100 g per day;
  • seeds, especially pumpkin;
  • fruits, vegetables, citrus rap, pomegranate, Fig;
  • all varieties of onions;
  • liver and egg yolk, quail eggs;
  • dairy products;
  • fish, especially the sea – twice a week, always;
  • any seafood – preferably raw or after minimal thermal processing;
  • parsley, spinach, any greens;
  • linseed, peanut, olive oil and fish oil;
  • honey with walnuts, pollen, any products of beekeeping;
  • cocoa, chocolate tall varieties, black;
  • ginger tea, Mare's milk, fresh juices from vegetables and fruits.

Observe the following guidelines:

  1. Learn how to perform simple exercises that will increase blood flow to the pelvic organs and train the muscles associated with the genitalia. They are called pubic-coccygeal. These systems are simple, takes little time, and the result will be obvious in a week. There are separate complexes to increase potency, increase erection, massage the testicles and scrotum, the Kegel exercise.
  2. Actively fight against excess weight. If your beer belly is more than 94 cm, then it is considered to be obese. It is the most dangerous enemy of potency, as the triggers the production of female sex hormones, men's testosterone significantly reduces. It will quickly lead you to erectile dysfunction. In addition, overweight is associated with occurrence of diabetes, heart disease and blood vessels, that reduces overall health.
  3. Stop Smoking, drinking, using even the most soft drugs. Science has long proved the direct dependence of the potency of bad habits. This greatly enhance the possibilities in the intimate sphere.
  4. Try to sit less, move more, exercise. The representatives of office plankton are much more likely to suffer sexual dysfunction than the representatives of professions related to heavy physical exertion. Learn how to do morning exercises, run, jump rope, buy a simulator, at least the easiest. If athletic training is limited due to the lack of time I have to sit, will help the Kegel exercise. You can perform it while sitting on the chair. It is aimed at strengthening the pubic-coccygeal muscles.
  5. If you feel that problems with potency associated with complexes, caused by a failed sexual act, or something similar, try to seek the assistance of a therapist or help yourself.
  6. Try less nervous on any occasion, fall into depression, avoid stress. Otherwise, sexual function will be infinite becomes weak. This is due to an ancient mechanism of conception of the child in a harmonious supportive environment.
  7. Get plenty of rest, try to sleep peacefully for eight hours. Sleep should take place in complete darkness and quiet. Vacation must take place in your life. Remember how many months you work seven days a week. Otherwise, the reduced potency provoke you.
  8. Use traditional methods, prepare decoctions, tinctures of medicinal plants and herbs, take relaxing baths, make aromatherapy and yoga.

Potency: how to raise at home

In this part of the article will examine some of the moments of increase potency in vivo in more detail.


Exercises to increase potency easy to increase the duration and strength of erection by increasing blood flow in the pelvis and penis. Do it morning and evening. Increase the load is to gradually, over time, making each exercise up to ten times.

The simplest of them:

improving potency in men products
  • Standing on the floor, hands on waist, feet apart on shoulder width. The rotation of the pelvis in a clockwise and then in the opposite direction – a maximum of ten times in each direction.
  • Same initial position. Performed walking movements of the feet, raising them to the chin. Stand try straight. Ten times each leg.
  • Hands on waist, legs slightly bent at the knees. Begin the exercise by bending the legs more, as if sitting down, much straining muscles of the buttocks 2-3 times.
  • Lying on the floor, feet shoulder width apart, slightly bent at the knees, hands lie along the body. Abruptly severing the pelvis and back from the floor, stand straight up and hold for a few seconds, then take its original position.
  • The next exercise resembles riding a bike. Lying on the floor, as in the previous exercise, simulating the legs Cycling.
  • The biggest impact on the pubic-coccygeal muscle. Lying on the floor, legs slightly bent, arms lie along the body. Begin much strain this muscle and are following on the power voltage, not the number of repetitions.
  • This exercise is performed in the sitting position. Hands on the waist, the chest is thrown forward, shoulders straight. Straining the area between the testicles and anus, as if drawn grains which scattered across the floor. The muscles of the buttocks at the same time trying to relax and not to strain.

Kegel Exercises

Kegel exercises developed by scientist Arnold Size in the middle of the last century and aims to:

  • the elimination and prevention of many diseases associated with the genitourinary sphere – inflammation and prostate adenoma, urinary incontinence, urethritis, hemorrhoids, etc.;
  • the increase in time and force an erection by filling with blood to the small pelvis and the penis;
  • increase time and strength of orgasm. Sexual acts become longer and filled with new sensations;
  • the stabilization of the hormonal balance and increases the production of testosterone. Because these exercises improve the activity of the testes which are responsible for the production of this substance;
  • control over ejaculation, extend the sexual act and commit multiple sexual intercourse in a short period of time.

Simple Kegel exercises are good because they can be done anywhere and anytime. It is important to know where a pubic-while muscle, or LCP. To find her quite easily. If during urination you stop the stream, between the anus and the testicles will feel how tense this muscle.

A simple exercise:

  • training LKP-muscles. Learn how to find it, and then squeeze and relax. This is the simplest way to strengthen it. 2-3 times a day is enough;
  • the delay of the jet. Every time you go to the toilet, try to stop the urination 2-3 times;
  • eventually, when you will already feel the muscle, you can begin to stress relaxation independently of the other muscles of the body. The effect of this exercise lies in the force of contraction and number of repetitions. It is necessary to bring the number up to three a day, ten exercises in each session.

Recipes of traditional medicine and herbs

  • every day for a month, eat 200 g of nuts daily with goat's milk;
  • mix in a 1:1 ratio of chopped nuts and honey until smooth. Eat three tablespoons a day half an hour after meals for one month;
  • tincture of Eleutherococcus. For 30 days three times a day for half a teaspoon, diluted with a little water half an hour before meals;
  • garlic tincture. In three-liter jar put a kilo of garlic, cover with water, close the lid and keep for one month, shaking every day. Drink a teaspoon, until the content runs out;
  • tincture of ginseng root, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Take 30 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. Last admission no later than five hours before bedtime, as it can cause insomnia;
  • relaxing bath after a hard working day with a Laurel leaf or chamomile. Usually I cook three quarts of broth, strain, pour into a warm bath and take about 20 minutes before you go to bed;
  • the collection, which includes St. John's wort, peppermint, red clover and nettle. All this is mixed in equal quantities and brew a tablespoon Cup of boiling water. To take as an infusion to enhance potency;
  • improve potency in men exercises
  • honey with the addition of a few drops of any essential oil – rose, ginger, oil of St. John's wort, eucalyptus or mint;
  • to increase blood flow you can take an infusion of horse chestnut, and the collection, which includes elderberries, blueberries and St. John's wort.

At the same time using tips on nutrition, exercise, taking tinctures and decoctions, prepared with his own hands, you very quickly feel that the potency has increased. And with it, increased the overall tone of the entire body and its defenses.